Different Views over Time

by Alan Cambey

We loved the dear kitten,
He was so happy and playful,

So we paid the price and brought him home.

The very next day we stopped by the vet,
To remove his claws and have him castrated.

 We never thought it was mutilation.

We all loved the dear fellow,
He was our pride our joy,

We never thought it was mutilation.

 We feed him daily,
And played with him endlessly,

We never thought it was mutilation

 Our parents had done the same,
We never gave it a thought,

We never thought it was mutilation

 We are good caring people,
As all who know us well will attest,

We never thought it was mutilation.

 Now looking forward in time,
We could not deal with the kitten on equal terms,

Yes it was love, mutilation and love.

 What were we thinking.
Why weren’t we thinking.


by Alan Cambey

Working – It’s a game – never forget

For most of us working is a basic requirement. We only work to support ourselves and our families except for the lucky few who do it only for enjoyment.

So what do we need to do to make it both interesting and rewarding?

The answer is simple, treat it like a game……that’s right… treat it like a game. Yes.

It’s a game

It should be played for enjoyment to show how good you are ….just as in all games…it is also a path to those other rewards….respect from others…..and a better paycheck. So first learn the rules of the game.

Basic Rules

  • Leave all your troubles at the entrance to the work place. Look upon the work place as a sanctuary from all the other pressures from daily life. Those cares will return at the end of the day….but in the meantime you should be free from them… just as if you were playing a game.
  • How to treat other people? Best approach is to treat them the way you like to be treated. That is pretty easy for everyone. You probably like to be treated
    • With honesty
    • In a friendly manner
    • With things you ask for arriving as requested just the way you asked for them and on time. Or if this is not going to happen, you are told in advance.

So treat other people the same way. Yes even the not so friendly and helpful. Remember it’s a game.

  • Always remember in the work place that everybody wears different hats. Some of the time you are a vendor providing a service for others, sometimes you are the client needing something from others. So in the course of the day you may be switching back and forth from being a client and a vendor. This is true for everybody from the President down. When you are waiting for your paycheck, the President and others are your vendors.
  • The right time to ask. Be extremely careful when you ask for a favor from your manager. Timing may be on your side or against it. It always makes sense to have it on your side. Remember most matters are resolved up or down. Those resolved in your favor are more likely when the manager is in a good mood. After lunch is always better than before. Do not treat this matter lightly.
  • Always remember that everything can be done better. Every job can be done more efficiently. Everything can be refined, simplified and improved. And it can be fun trying to figure it all out. Adopting this classic game playing approach is your path to gaining respect, notice and advancement (more money).

Other Helpful Rules

  • Answering questions. Always try first to answer the question asked not the question you think should have been asked. “Did the job ship?” Clearly the first answer should be “Yes” or “No” not some long winded answer from which the questioner concludes it did not. If the questioner wants additional information he/she will ask for it.
  • Not meeting a promised delivery schedule. If you are going to be late on any commitment, inform your client at the earliest time. Be prepared to give a revised date and then a concise reason of why you are late.
  • Tell don’t ask. When dealing with important business decisions, it is usually best to tell your manager what you are planning to do but not asking their approval directly. The distinction is subtle but huge. By telling you are asking for their permission indirectly but they do not have to say anything and in the absence of a direct no, you can work away with implied approval. Less pressure on them.
  • Dealing with angry people (co-worker, bosses, clients)
    • Never, never, never interrupt an angry person.
    • Acknowledge their pain when they stop.

If they are right: Start with an instant apology while looking them in the eyes. Immediately follow with what will be done to correct the problem. Leave to the very end how the problem occurred and finish by repeating the apology.

If they are wrong: Start by saying “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Then in a low key way explain the facts.

The American War in Iraq

Eliot Thomas

When young they dodged a war
They had other priorities
Now old and out of harms way
They wage a war with casual glee

Make a war without provocation
It is in the best interests of the nation
For little cost in blood and treasure
Accomplish things beyond measure

Erase the mistake of yester year
Act boldly and without fear
Bring democracy to all the world
Even if you may destroy it here

Speak the lies loud enough
Repeat them loud and clear
Demonize the other guys
Whip up the hatred and the fear

Change the reasons for the war
Who remembers what they were
Why bother with the facts
Make the rules as you act

As the attorney general wrote
Torture is ok take note
And if it comes out for all to see
Just deny any responsibility

Teach us new ways like rendition
Make it into a grand tradition
Show the world what we are like
And how we respect human rights

Marines in full dress uniform
Will never knock upon their doors
In the war they have no sons or daughters
Why expose their own to slaughter

Don’t show the coffins to the masses
Instead talk nobly of other matters
Mission accomplished, oh my god
Yes, image trumps reality

And while the war is going on
Show them the sacrifices you are making
Keep up the five weeks vacation
A fine example for the nation

Nothing will change until we do
We must let them know
That we do understand
Oh yes, that we do understand


Eliot Thomas

He wore a tie
She wore a hat

The guests were three
His mum and dad
Her sister too

They went by train
The scheduled time was ten fifteen

They stood in line and took their turn
The knot was tied
The deed was done

Off to the park
for photographs
Recorded all on sister’s kodak

No no ….
No reception
Funds were short and had to last
So to the pub
For a small blast

That was a day not long ago
But then again not yesterday